Sunday, 8 February 2009

Take That's Video Shoot in South London

On 14 January 2009 Take That filmed the video to their single "Up All Night" in Gurney Crescent, Waddon/South London. The shoot started at 7 a.m. and Take That left around 10 p.m. (Gary somewhat earlier).

Do you recognise this house? It is located at the end of the street and the stage was built in front of that house.

Gurney Crescent road sign. The street itself is very normal and stands for the working and middle class in England.

Leavings from the video shoot? Maybe Gary lost his shoe when rushing to the hospital?

Watch the first ever live performance of Up All Night here. Take That introduced their album "The Circus" at the BBC Radio 2 Theatre on 1 December 2008. Great atmosphere, lots of joking and many wise words from Jason during the breaks.


Anonymous said...

You have nicely written this and I like the pictures.

Sorry, for bad English.

LONDON said...

Thanks love. your english is not that bad (Im not good at lying, am I?) ;-)