Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Gary's Kensington

It probably is not a secret that Gary Barlow and his family live in London, Kensington a pretty posh and popular area. The difference to some other London boroughs is that this part of Take That City is clean and well maintained and you easily meet the right people there. So it was a good choice of Mr Barlow to move into one of these nice houses but somehow his house is not what you would imagine. Of course, it is not a second Delamere Manor but it just does not look like a celebrity home. You can easily see from the outside that it is quite spacious - what it really has to be with three kids in tow - but at the same time it is so normal. I suppose that is not a bad thing.

You would never guess that a Take That member lives in there. Of course, it is all gated and there is no doorbell panel but imagine that the Barlows do have direct neighbours - yes, they do. The house itself is a nice one, well maintained and the roof was refurbished not too long ago - during the 2007 tour to be exact. Quite a good point of time as the Barlows were not home for some time and the works did not really disturb their daily routine. It is on a rather quiet street but the next bus stop is not too far away and also some posh shops are nearby. One thing that I find unbelievable is that there is no off-street parking. Gary is sometimes using a "taxi company" but how can an A-list celebrity not have private parking space? Mhmm! I dont find the answer. Last but not least... the chance for you to admire his nearest Royal Mail letter box - imagine Gary's hands touching the mail slot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where abouts in Kensington is this? You seem to describe it very well as if you've seen it. Please? :)